Get moving with Mind-in-Motion™


Mind-in-Motion™ is my original movement therapy method, which I developed from my years of experience as a dancer, dance teacher and psychotherapist.

This method uses easy, flowing, guided movements combined with free expression, designed to open the heart, shoulders, hips, and other areas where we tend to holdstress; the movements are set to music chosen to support emotional release.  The combination of flow, dynamic stretch, and sound promotes a psychomotor feedback pattern that helps us let goof emotional and physical stressalso known as the relaxation response. 

 Research Supports Mind-in-Motion™ 

Since the late 1980s, more and more research has shown that physical exerciseand dance-based movement in particularcan be as effective as medication in reducing the symptoms of depression.  Mind-in-Motion™ has added to this body of research: In 2022, I co-authored a paper based on a 14-month research study demonstrating that Mind-in-Motion™ significantly reduced depression and helped improve self-esteem.  Our paper was published in The Arts in Psychotherapy, a noted peer-reviewed journalwhich means that Mind-in-Motion™ is evidence-supported. 

Mind-in-Motion classes will soon be offered in collaboration with Full Circle Yoga in Winter Park. Check our Mind In Motion page for more information.